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The people of the UK are renowned throughout the world for their love of drinking tea. But did you know that Irish people drink 10% more tea per capita than the British? In fact, in all the world, the only country more fond of a cuppa is Turkey.

If you’ve spent any time in Ireland, this fact will come as no surprise. It seems as though every activity starts and ends with a cuppa, and that nothing is so urgent that it can’t wait until after a cup of tea has been had. If you visit anyone’s home, you will immediately be offered a cup of tea, often accompanied by a selection of biscuits, cakes and even sandwiches, which seem to appear in an instant out of nowhere. Tea is truly at the heart of daily life.

However, this doesn’t mean that any old cup of tea will do. People are fiercely loyal to their preferred brand, and will accept substitutes only reluctantly, if at all. Many Irish families will have a tale of a mother or grandmother who would bring dozens of tea bags with them on holiday, because when it comes to having a proper cuppa, they leave nothing to chance!

At Dalriata, we recognise that people have strong feelings about their tea. British and Irish people alike often lament how difficult it is to find the sort of good, honest teas they’re used to in Berlin. That’s why we offer a selection of quality Irish blends which are already beloved by those who know them, and sure to satisfy those who don’t.

Ireland’s best-selling brand is Barry’s Tea, and we do our best to keep it on the shelves, but such is its popularity that it can be a struggle! We also stock Lyons Tea, a firm favourite for generations, and regarded by many as the quintessential Irish tea. We even sell loose tea from Campbell’s in their distinctive classic yellow tins.

So if you’re a regular drinker of British brands such as Yorkshire Tea, Tetley or Typhoo, we’re sorry that we can’t offer you your favourites right now, as Brexit is making it very difficult to get those products from the UK. If you insist on British brands we do have a selection of Twinings teas, and PG Tips. But we’re confident that you’ll be more than happy with our Irish alternatives. Recently a customer came in looking for Yorkshire Gold, and when he couldn’t get any, thought he would give Barry’s Gold Blend a try instead. He liked it so much that a few days later, his wife came back and bought three boxes!

So if you’re dying for a good cuppa, come to Dalriata Inselfeinkost and stock up on Barry’s or Lyons tea – whichever you prefer, we’ve got what you’re looking for.